FAQ – Acesight VR

What’s the price of Acesight VR?

If you are in USA, the price information can be found here.

If not, please leave us a message, so price offered by Acesight local representative can be informed.

Is Acesight VR heavy when I wear it?

Acesight VR is lightweight (less than 1 pound) and features a head strap that helps distribute weight evenly. It also features a cooler than average operating temperature.

How long can I use the Acesight VR?

Acesight VR will work for 2 – 3 hours on a full charge.

Where can I get the full specification of Acesight VR?

Specifications of Acesight VR is available in the User Guide.

Can I walk while wearing Acesight VR?

No, we do not recommend it. The immersive design of virtual reality technology takes away your peripheral vision, which affects your spatial awareness and could cause you to feel dizzy and fall over if you attempt to move around while wearing the device.

Can I stream TV or videos to the headset?

No, this is not possible. It is also not necessary. The image quality of Acesight VR is exceptional and means you can sit a normal distance from the TV or computer screen and watch through the headset.

Can Acesight VR be worn outside?

If it’s dry day and you’re seated comfortably in your garden or at an event, you should be okay using Acesight VR. Actually the closed design of the headset prevents outside light (sun) from affecting the displayed image.

How difficult is it to learn the function of Acesight VR?

Using Acesight VR out of the box is quite easy. Switch on the headset, then switch on the controller, and be on your way to magnified viewing. We include a printed user manual with Acesight VR and instructional videos are also being added to assist with self-paced learning.

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