FAQ – Functions

I’d like to know how to use it before requesting a demo. Does Acesight have any instructional video?

Of course. Please check the Acesight videos page at https://www.acesight.com/videos/. Please note that Acesight S doesn’t have instructional videos. A quick guide about how to use Acesight S is available at Acesight S Quick Guide.

How can Floating Reading Mode benefit me?

Floating Reading Mode captures a large image of a document or scene in front of you, and presents it on the Acesight screen. You then move your head to pan easily and comfortably around the image.
  • View the board in school or college
  • Review food menus commonly displayed behind the counter
  • Study bus or train schedules and route maps

When should I use the Outline function?

The Outline function is unique to Acesight series. When activated, everything you see is outlined with either a white or black lines. Use it to:
  • Observe furniture and other obstacles in a room
  • Find doors, door handles, and switches
  • Locate small objects such as a tablet or pill
  • Observe steps on a staircase
While you won’t need to use the Outline feature all the time, you will find it invaluable when you do.

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Electronic glasses that let you see.


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